About Urania Connections

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TrishIn 1979 I was shopping in a grocery store in Palestine, Texas. In the store, I saw a man who reminded me of my grandfather. He was short, with a bald head and big black bushy eyebrows. I wanted to talk to him, but was too shy.

Later that night, I was talking to my mother on the phone and told her that I had seen a man who looked just like Granddaddy. She said that maybe he was related to us, because Granddady's father had come from Texas. This was news to me. As far as I knew, my family had always lived in Urania.

This piqued my interest, so I started wondering how to find out where my great grandfather had come from. This, in turn, lead to my study of genealogy. Now thriry-six years later, I still don't know all the details about where he came from. Although I have evidence to indicate who his parents where, I have no paper trail to prove it.

In the 80s when I told my father what I was learning he became interested also. The last decades of his life were dedicated to researching, not only the history of our family, but also the histrory of Urania and it's people.

This Web site has two purposes: to make our family tree available to those who might share ancestors with us, and to make available the information that Dad collected over the years about this part of Louisiana. I intend to eventually include the information in his 42,000+ name database, which lists many others besides our family.

The information on this site is correct to the best of my knowledge, but I hope that if anyone has evidence to the contrary, please contact me and let's talk. I want this to be as accurate as possible.

This site is dediciated to the memory of my Dad, Edgar Forrest Cook, Sr.

Patricia Cook Taylor
Urania, Louisiana 2016
